Suffering With Christ
Blog 1/31/19 By Alec Cassel, DSW Service Year Volunteer 2018- 19 Everyone has or will experience some type of suffering in their lives. This could be from losing a loved one, a mental illness, going through trauma, etc. For us Christians, it always brings a challenge to our faith as to why we feel the […]
“They don’t treat you any different because you’re homeless”
Joseph’s House, one of DSW’s closest partner organizations, was featured in a Courier-Post article about the life-giving services they provide. Started almost ten years ago, Joseph’s House provides help, healing, and support to those who need it most. With about 80 cots available, guests are housed, fed, and connected to social services to help them […]
Joys and Pains
By Brendan McCann ’17-’18 Service Year April 2018 An unfortunate reality of life is that pain is inevitable. Pain by itself is not necessarily a bad thing. Most of the time pain is just the body’s way of telling us that we’re doing something that we shouldn’t be. Thankfully the human body is able to withstand a […]
Called By Name
By Andrea Miller ’17-’18 Service Year April 2018 Recently, I had the pleasure to volunteer as a staff member on a teen retreat at the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May Point, NJ. While I was in college, I had all of my Catholic retreats at this wonderful place, affectionately referred to as Mary’s House. Needless […]
Best Lent Ever
By Brendan McCann ’17-’18 Service Year March 2018 Since it’s Holy Week I wanted to take some time and talk about Lent and what it has meant for me this year. Lent is a time to prepare for Easter and it is usually a time marked by some kind of fasting. A couple of years ago I […]
The Quiet Struggle
By Andrea Miller ’17-’18 Service Year March 2018 One of my favorite classes in college that I took my senior year was my Environmental Ethics class. We discussed environmental goods and services, particularly the difference between public goods versus private goods. Our professor had us give examples of public goods, and students in my class called out […]
By Janelle Lord ’17-’18 Service Year February 2018 Community // com·mu·ni·ty // (n) a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common; a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals One of the core four principles that DeSales Service Works is founded […]
Finding Our Vocation
By Brendan McCann ’17-’18 Service Year February 2018 We live in a society that really stresses the practicality of life decisions. This isn’t a bad thing because it is important to know your limitations as well as maintaining a certain level of safety and security. However we shouldn’t let this stop us from taking risks. A service […]
The Intentionality of Our Time
By Andrea Miller ’17-’18 Service Year February 2018 If there is one value I have learned to embrace above all others in my service year, it would have to be intentionality. I’ve had to learn how to be intentional with my time, my relationships, my faith, my community, etc. Intentionality calls us to be “purposive” and “deliberate” […]
By Janelle Lord ’17-’18 Service Year January 2018 // grad·iᐧtude // (n) the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. If I had to sum up these last five months of living in Camden, gratitude would be the word that I would use. There is just so much to be grateful for these past few months […]