23 September 2013

25th Week in Ordinary Time

St. Adomnan of Iona


A project of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in Camden, NJ, 

DeSales Service Works welcomes volunteers to join 

in service, prayer, and learning in our struggling neighborhood.




1. Service Word

“There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen

and dined sumptuously each day.

And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores,

who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps

that fell from the rich man’s table.

Dogs even used to come and lick his sores


A powerful image from Jesus, wouldn’t you agree?   The Lord knows how to bring vivid detail to his parables—-details that are true to life.   In a few sentences here he illustrates the chasm that can exist between people.   We can imagine the rich man’s way of life and his blindness toward the man at his gate.   The Lord also presents us with Lazarus’ very different situation—laid low, painful, hungry, reduced to helplessness.   The dogs even lick his sores.


One of the most important goal of DeSales Service Works involves bringing people from various backgrounds to work, pray, and share community together in this poor neighborhood.

Real differences exist, but there are ways of connecting.


“I am a sinner.”   This may be Pope Francis’ most memorable statement in his ministry as pope.   The human journey, which without exception (except for the Lord and his Blessed Mother) includes sin.   Pope Francis articulates an honest and realistic position for life.   We have a call from our Creator God to be loving as he is loving; to be good, generous and expansive, like our God.


Often we fall short of those sacred values—but there is no need to scrap the call.   Sin can be the beginning of blessing, of moving further forward on the journey of life, wiser, more connected with our neighbors and our God.


-Are there any people you do not notice in you world who could use your help?

-Is there an attribute found in others that you find particularly difficult to handle?

-Can you say with the Pope, “I am a sinner”?




2. Last Week in Camden

Sorry I did not compose and send a Service Matters last week.   (And I’m late today.)   Time got away from me.   I should mention that we nearly always send it out.   If you do not get the newsletter on a given week—perhaps because of some tech glitch with spam or with our newsletter service—please just send an e-mail.  We will make sure you address is put back in the system.

Thank you for taking the time to read!



3. Upcoming Events

The first Salesianum homeroom service retreat takes place Monday.   Thursday Bishop Ireton  arrives for their time here.  Saturday Cristo Rey comes.  For these three high schools this week’s visits are the first of many for this school year.    Saturday, is also Villanova’s service day in honor of their Augustinian patron, St. Thomas of Villanova.



4. Links

In case you haven’t gotten a chance to read Pope Francis’ interview, you can find it here.





Fr. Mike McCue, OSFS


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